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Cheers to a happy life!

Home: Welcome



"Don't fight the waves but surf!" 

A guy told me this many years ago during my travel. If he only knew how much these words are still meaning to me... It became my "life project": for myself and for others. Because there are other ways to live your life, instead of struggling and working your ass off. 


From an imprisoned life, filled by fears, obligations and putting the needs of others above mine, I went to a life full of freedom, am I enjoying the things that I want to do and am I living in the moment. I feel I finally really live again and that I can love myself!


Now I want to help you to let go of all the limiting patterns you have developed through life, to be free and to really start living. Life is so much more beautiful if you can enjoy it, if you can actually be in the moment and accept yourself. That life is okay, just as it is. 


You are perfect, just the way you are.


Click here to download the free E-book to start your own journey!

Do you dare to live freely? :) 

"Nathalie is an incredible coach! What I loved about her is how she was both incredibly patient and kind but also pushed my boundaries and wouldn't let me hide from my emotions. She called me out when I would focus on my thoughts instead of my feelings and helped me actually feel and process them. Nathalie helped me acknowledge and heal from an old trauma and discover and appreciate my inner strength. She never made me feel uncomfortable and let me set the pace. At the same time, she would challenge me to push myself and not let me stagnate in my progress. Nathalie was always there for me, checking in between our sessions and always encouraging me to reach out if I needed anything at all. I never thought I needed a life coach, but I am grateful beyond belief that I found Nathalie!"


"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it"

Nelson Mandela

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